Quson Brown2 Months Left…I can’t believe I have been allowing Medium to take 5 bucks a month from me since January of this year. When I started this, I had the…Nov 12, 20232Nov 12, 20232
Quson BrownNew Year a Travelling (pt.1)“I didn’t celebrate New Year’s this Year.” I was too busy packing a U-Haul to move a few hundred miles Northeast to the Capital. At the…Nov 14, 20235Nov 14, 20235
Quson BrownThe Shortest Month: February (pt.2)It’s February 1, and we’re sleeping on our mattress on the floor. I still haven’t gotten paid, and Elizabeth feels different, almost like…Nov 17, 202312Nov 17, 202312
Quson BrownMarching into self-dependency (pt.3)As I look back on our story, February set the tone for Elizabeth’s and my relationship for the upcoming spring. A constant stream of…Nov 23, 2023Nov 23, 2023
Quson BrownShowers in April (pt.4)After a dull March, April arrived hesitantly, bringing with it a promise of renewal. The air was still heavy with the remnants of a stormy…Nov 23, 2023Nov 23, 2023
Quson BrownMay I Talk to You About A Man's Pain?Let’s jump right into continuing the story about my year and relationship. We finished off in April, so let’s talk about May.Dec 3, 20234Dec 3, 20234